Thursday, May 21

Probably because of you

Found this pic on the web.

*credits evilkid productions* - check out their sad kitty and mad kitty stuff. tooo adorable.

The pic above about sums it up in totality - how Ive been feeling for the past few days.

Part of me wishes, that the hurt would be acknowledged and fixed. but most of me knows. some things cant be changed. The self obsessed can only see and feel for themselves.

This page will serve as a reminder - of how "a beautiful friendship" becomes bullshit ..when a friendship becomes, unbalanced. when one party takes another for granted.

Its not possible to clap with 1 fin

You cant have a friendship with one way communication
Ive lost count of how many times i try to say something, but you were not listening, you would reply with another question on a totally different topic , or you would dismiss my statement and carry on with your own one man show commentaries.

on the last day i met you, i really wanted to share with you what i discovered may be wrong with my car. i did not even have the chance to finish my sentence, before you started talking about your drinking session - yep doubt you even heard me speak

I miss the good old days where you would listen to what i have to say .
I miss the good old days where you would actually be interested in one simple little guppy's adventures.

You cant have a friendship with your service provider
I miss the times we would go out to see fishies. drive around. do stuff. How did calls to go out for ice- cream, go hang out together, ...translate into calls to borrow the car, hitch a ride. how could WE let a whole month go by, where each time you made contact , all you wanted to do was hitch a ride, or borrow my ride? no small talk, no coffee, no dinner, no."how's life." nothing ? straight to business --> a ride.

When i am driving. i cant see your face when we talk.
When i am driving. i cant talk to you either . because you are on the phone. on the black berry.
When i am driving i cant talk to you , because you are telling me about alll those other more exciting people and places you are dying to go meet and spend time with

You cant have a friendship with someone who doesnt believe in you.
I dont need to take a poll , Im sure everyone including you will agree with me. We dont associate with people we think are losers.

I dont need to take a poll , Im sure every sane person, even those who do not know us, will say - we dont say things to put down the people we love or care about , you encourage.

I dont need to take a poll, Im sure everyone will agree-- you had no right to say that I suck at my job -- nor did you have a reason to.

Hiding nastiness, meanness, and the bolstering of a flaccid ego behind the flag of truth. thats just cowardly. and doing yourself, and my friendship and love for you a great disservice.

You cant have a friendship with someone who thinks you are a no-lifer, who thinks everyone else out there is better.

You may be able to have numerous frivolous friendships and acquaintences. Guppies are choosy . We have acquired the taste for honesty , sincerity , love and kindness. There is no value to a Louis Vuitton statement handbag if it was cheap, and freely available .

Its hard not to notice and compare all the so called fun "exciting " things that you have been doing these months VS the sharp decline in our lunches, dinners, and outings.

Its hard not to notice all the announcements you have made to inform me-more exciting folks are back from 6 months overseas work stints and compare that with the earlier few months that you did have more time for me.

Its hard not to think - my time is up. thanks for the space and time filler service.

You cant have a friendship with someone who refuses to listen when you try to tell them whats wrong
I respected and treasured our friendship, enough to tell you whats wrong. But if you cant accord my love and friendship with the same levelof respect and love it deserves then there is no loss on both sides

I imagined that perhaps you were miserable at work . that was why you chose to make sweeping statements about my work to put me down.

I imagined that perhaps you were miserable at home, that was why you chose to party your nights away like some mid-life crisis old man in search of lost youth.

and when you claimed that it wasnt like what i had imagined -- i can only draw one conclusion :
You did mean every single hurtful statment you have made. You Do think that everyone else is better , more interesting and more worthy of your time than me.

The truth = is all in the above. in all its ugly glory.
You do not treat me. the same way I treat you.
You do not understand the word friendship.

When the hurt is gone. there will be nothing more left to say except - I accept the distance you have placed between us.

But i will not forget . because I am NOTHING like you.