Monday, December 31

How did you spend your new years eve?

Breaking news : "Fireworks in Singaporean suburbia outshines city's mainstream fireworks on New Years Eve "


This same time last year, I spent a howling great time getting sloshed at the Ministry of Sound - studio 54 nightclub in the company of a couple of lovely, generous and fun souls, downing a never ending torrent of tequila shots, bourbon, beer and god knows wat else as I mmsed, smsed anyone and everyone in my pda phone contacts list ~ while~ i shimmied and shook my booty on the dancefloor between heaps of other sweaty high party goers. Talk about multi-tasking.

Yes, in one night of booze , 2nd hand smokes, 2nd hand BO's and being christened by other people's sweat droplets I danced away all my angst, I danced away all my worries .It was like a head shaking trance like cleansing ritual as we counted down to the magic moment - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,...1!!! I had shaken off the previous year and I was "Reborn"

When it was time to go was a greater battle than trying to appear reasonably lucid and "non-sloshed" - i never forgot my lame pathetic journey home on our beloved home grown - SBS double decker bus *cringe*

Ah but that was New Years Eve 2006. I woke up in 2007 with a rip roaring hangover. boooo.

Fast forward to New Years Eve 2007-- What did you do this new years eve my friends?

This year the guppy is cooler, and smarter! heh heh while almost everyone has descended on one of the 3 main party spots, Vivo City, Sentosa, Marina Bay to catch one of the three mega NYE parties that are happening . Catch the much touted "Largest/Greatest/Fabulousest (sic) Fireworks Display in Singapore"

I decided to chill out at home... Armed with packets of coloured sparklers sticks I was determined to have my own little private fireworks party right here at home. no crowds, no drunken revellers, me and pretty lights and a nice MacDonald's happie meal.

When i lit the sparklers...the beautiful dancing lights were just as cool if not better than any in the sky.. little shiny pretty sparklers..doing their private dance , shining at their most brilliant, burning themselves out, determined to make their short performance on this earth matter.
My personal fireworks display!

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2..1 Happie New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 30

Goodbye 2007 - Hello 2008

I resisted the urge to post my ramblings on the internet for the longest time.

Content to stalk the blogs of my friends, acquaintances or well just generally anyone colourful enough to catch my fancy. Until today.

As i cleared my pc off all the old "chat conversations" i had stored away on the C drive , i couldn't resist re-reading all the conversations , some with people i used to care a lot about, many with people i still hang out with , conversations with friends, siblings, colleagues, ex-colleagues ..heck there was even a whole stack of conversations recorded with strangers who try to chat me up online ( hee hee) .

I couldn't help taking a trip down memory lane remembering people who touched my life - whether in a positive way or a negative way - and made me a stronger person , and also those that I thought were here to stay but..i guess they were just passing by.

Perhaps its the post christmas feeling as New Years Eve is creeping up, Im feeling just a tad melancholic. Reading through all these old conversations (now history), helped me to look back with eyes wide open at how i had lived my life in 2007 : I laughed alot, I cried alot, I tried alot of new things, met alot of new people, ditched alot of beliefs and people that fell short of expectations, I lost alot ...and then gained it all back in a very short time ( ha ha ha) , i tried my hand at lots of new things, had lotsa hits..and an equal amount of misses (damn!), I've yet to master my heart and ambitions, overcome that irritating blindness that compels me to constantly mistake coal for gold wasted lots of time picking them off the ground only to have to throw them back into the dust heap. BUT! Ive learnt to be more forgiving towards myself and the people around me and look at life and people with a whole new mindset.

In short, perhaps keeping a little record somewhere here in cyberspace ain't that bad afterall. if nothing it serves as a stoic reminder of how I have lived, so that i may remember lessons learnt, mistakes made, experiences felt and most importantly remember the people that have touched my life, no matter how fleeting.

hee hee - ah are u just realising at this moment that Im a rambler? ha ha ha

Neeways, just a note from me to me : Yo Guppy...2007 was really a great one :

  1. Scored yourself an exciting new job, with exciting progressive people ( hah and thanks to buddha, you didnt even have to plan a painful exit from the old one thank you)
  2. Lost alot of weight, but gained alot back ( the battle continues in 2008)
  3. Injected more time with family and even went on holiday to Thailand with mommy
  4. Rediscovered the fun in portable gaming ha ha ha
  5. Got certified a PADI Rescue Diver - yo did it all on your own *pat pat* - thank u Orpheus Dive!
  6. Went Scuba to Tioman, Redang, Dayang and more..
  7. Experienced Whitemanta liveaboards - and explored Igara Wreck!
  8. Visited India while with ex-company
  9. Visited Bangkok, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur within 2 weeks into your new job
  10. Made time to catch up with friends from Uni through get togethers
  11. Made time to organise a birthday party for porkchop and met his friends
  12. Made time to catch up with proven friends
  13. Started facebook that helped me get in touch with friends from college! woohoo!
  14. Birth of baby sarah - Nora you're now mommy!
  15. Witnessed the triumph of true love- Yus and David- congratulations on your marriage
  16. Made an unexpected discovery that the common lifebouy that ive been observing out in the ocean for the past 2 years..may not be just floating by...or maybe it is..but while its still around it makes for a good floatation device for the mind.
  17. Took up the powered pleasurecraft driving course - moving yet another step towards the dream of owning your own house boat and living off the sea visiting port to port

Yup! by all measures the past year had indeed been an eventful one. I am thankful and yes I will celebrate tomorrow.

2008 resolutions ? Did i hear you ask that? heee well it's simple

  1. I want to excel in my new job, perform the best that i can and achieve even greater heights!
  2. I want to actively consientiously create more time to spend with the people in my life that matter
  3. I want to make going to work out at the gym - a weekly affair- well at least once a week :P
  4. I want to continue pursuing my passion- scuba diving - either become a PADI Divemaster or a PADI Master Scuba Diver
  5. I want to find the resources, time and opportunity to scuba dive further than Malaysia/Thailand - Raja Ampat, Papua New Guinea, MALDIVES! *foamsss*

Yep Hello 2008...methinks this guppy is gonna have an even more exciting exhilerating ride this time round! yeeehar!
Look out life - here comes the guppy!

Dec 07 freezing 5 degrees in Beijing ...wouldve been really boring if not for work

Augist 07 - I became a certified PADI Rescue Diver