Saturday, May 2

Assisi Hospice Charity Fun Day!

It was a HOT and HUMID day!

The date : Saturday 2 May 2009
(a.k.a guppy's first time volunteering her time and labour to raise funds!)
The task : to raise funds by selling foods at a booth at this event!

Actually it was the brainchild of one of my colleagues at work, and the rest of us thought it was a great idea and signed up without a 2nd thought hee hee . We had a hard time deciding what to make, cook and sell at the event , each time we had an idea, the organiser told us someone else was already doing it, so we had to come up with something new.

Eventually, we decided to make home made local desserts to sell at this event . we settled on these food stuffs , Steamed sweet potatoes, Green Bean soup, steamed corn, Tau Suan(yellow mung beans) , beancurd and barley , plus Herbal Tea Eggs!

The day began at 730am ( for this guppy, as i cant cook for nuts, the food was to be prepared by the other volunteers in our group hee hee i think they would've woken up like wee hours of the morning to start cooking! ) :

*yea ignore the time stamps on the pics. i borrowed chookies old camera again with the wonky time stamps :P booo*

We arrived earlier to set up the booth
signages were already up on the gates of the venue : sponsored by St Joseph's Institution International , along Thomson road. **Incidentally -- for those not in the know..SJI Institution now stands on what was formally known as Thomson Secondary old secondary school ...hee hee i spent 4 years in this place when i was just a wee kid...eeeks! talk about deja vu! **
there were over 100 booths at this event!
everybody was busy setting up their booths, no time to lose , crowds will start streaming in at 9!
Check out our booth's banner, professional looking huh? all thanks to one of our work partners who sponsored the production of the banner for our booth !
Items for sale at our booth!
Yes , what were we thinking! selling HOT desserts, on a HOT day ... stress!
The happie volunteers!
breakfast first! we need our energy so we can sell more desserts and raise more marnies!

yes everybody working hard...this guppy just taking pics :P
Get your sweet potatoes! steamed sweet potatoes from japan!
Barley and Tofu sweet desserts! only $2 dollars! hurry hurry~
Delicious tea eggs! -- the First to sell out~ we made over 120 tea eggs for sale!!! Pay 50cents more and K will help peel the eggs for u too whahahahah! aww peel egg for little guppy...feel all warm and fuzzy wor! hahahahand ofcourse delicious sweet home made green bean soup and TAU SUAN yellow bean dessert which i forgot to take pics!

see this beautiful lady? she is the brainchild of this charity activity idea --everybody salute!

the team hard at work despite the heat!

some even roped in family members, mom, sis, ...we love u!


OK young man - cut all the you tiao ( fried dough sticks) and get them ready for sale..chop chop!

Guest of Honor / Patron of ASSISI HOSPICE - Ho Ching (the PMs wifey) came over to our booth and gave out a certificate of appreciation :D awwww!

yeah! hoooray for Yummy Dessert HOUSE!

OF COURSE it was not all work and no play for this little guppy...i went about exploring the different booths and did my part to contribute in the monetary way too...i bought close to 70 bucks ful of vouchers to spend at the event, there was so much to eat, drink and play at the fair...this is a pic of me giving it a shot at the booze lucky dip booth..5 dollar per dip, u get a chance to win a bottle of expensive spirit.. but alas all i won was --a can of beer...boooo!!!

live bands from SJI International playing some pretty nifty tunes

there was even a live dunking game going on

we were there from 730...all the way ...the crowds started streaming in from 9am onwards and by about close to 4pm we were left with just these few bowls of green bean! and some dough sticks which we wrapped up and sold cheaply off! hoooray!!

Guess who else came to support this event:

Moomoo!!!! Who blew 10 bucks at our little booth heehee .... actually My mom, dad and Yarryl came by in the morning to support the booth too, and leekheng also came to support but by the time she reached the event late in the afternoon , we had completely sold out and i left for home :P THANKS FOR COMING GUYS!!!!

End of the day -- lets count our earnings!!! HOW MUCH DID WE RAISE?
WAH!!! so many coupons!!!

COUNTING...counting...counting.... TOTAL HAUL -- $438 bucks! and we sold out! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!~

heh check out our own shopping,,,,yes ofcourse we need to patronise every other stall there! duh!

By the time i got home, i was exhausted, hot, sweat and totally sun burnt like a piggy but i still had time to take pics of my cool shopping haul

$15 --brand new seal stuffed toy ..bought for chookie...

ASSISI Hospice teddy bear which moomoo bought for me -$20 cash donation plus monthly pledge of $10 per month for 12 months -- we LOVE MOOOMOO! 2nd hand novels at $1 each and pretty hand made earrings at $5 -$8 each!

In all it was a HOT HUMID but fun day! Im glad i hopped on the bandwagon and volunteered to help man the booth. it was a great experience. Im glad we managed to raise funds for a worthy cause. But I cant help wondering -- wouldnt it be easier for me to just write a check for $500 bucks ? wouldnt it be easier ( but less fun) than manning a booth for one entire day ?

ponder ponder ponder...

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