Sunday, October 11

Joyes got married!

Yeah...lotsa weddings to attend this year

and this one is for one of my colleagues- Joyes and Daniel

The best part about wedding dinners? an occassion to dust off glamourous party dresses and gowns..doll up yourself and go glam...I mean when else am I going to wear a longish gown and trapes through downtown orchard? (apart from poseur pre xmas parties or NYE parties ) best part was everyone else will also be dressed to the nines ..especially the star attraction - the BRIDE AND GROOM! Joyes had 3 gown changes!

The worst part about wedding dinners? Well at least the chinese ones.. the Red Packet gifties...broke this little guppies piggy bank big time sigh...

Anyway, I thought Id put on one of my old Cheongsams to this dinner but when i tried it on the night before...sigh...the tummy portion was too tight! know you're off the deep end when you cant even fit into your old custom made cheongsam! aaaaaaaa!

I eventually settled on a simple ensemble : dark purple gown paired with a black silk shawl , accessorised with black swarovski crystal necklace and earrings , and a patent black Louis Vuitton clutch...then for dramatic effect, I had my hair bunched up into a mini birds nest muahahha! not too shabby if i do say so myself...but it was hilarious trying to climb into my car while lifting the dress and trying to make sure that the "birds nest" hairdo does not get flattened when i got into the car *stress*
Yep the successful birdsnest attempt made me so happy i took a pic before i left the house and MMS spammed a few folks to broadcast my success!
Arrived at the Traders Hotel on time...only to realise...rats everybody else was late... hung around the 3 humongous wedding albums-- yes all full of glamourous shots of joyes and daniel in various outfits, on location shots at numerous locations! So jealous...she looked so gorgeous in every shot..and that flawless!
it was a good opportunity to see celeste, naomi , shirley, Mr Gee, Patrick, outside of work. and Mr Gee's 2 daughters were so cute!!! im envious. they had little tiaras on! hahaha
Group shot with the happie couple! not many people from the office were at the occassion, it was all mainly joyes and daniel's family and friends..I feel so proud to be on her invite list :D love love! which is a good thing because ONLY THE FUN ONES were at my table so muahahhaha :Dyeah what else is there to do between booze and food...except CAMWHORING!? hahahaha i was momentarily distracted by Patrick's Tag...mmmm pretty... and ofcourse i had to hoard the dinner pretty it has a little poppy flower in the middle as a design element.. yes i know i know...i always put up the same pose...every pic of me has the double peace sign...but what the hell hahah

Congratulations Joyes and Daniel!

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