Friday, April 4

Golden Ricebowl

I had the most amusing encounters of the "Fengshui" kind all week at work today .

Earlier this week, the sales bossess installed a spanking big , humongous, gargantuous STONE SPHERE WATER FOUNTAIN , smack in the centre of the sales teams work area - yes it did mean that the poor sales manager who was sitting by the entry way had to sacrifice her work space to make way for the spanking big fountain *mind boggling*

This was apparently done to improve our fengshui and bring in more WEALTH for the company ..hmmm
Just this afternoon, i came back from my raunchy lunchie to excited babblings from the ladies - one of them had bought a GOLDEN RICE BOWL complete with GOLDEN CHOPSTICKS and GOLDEN SPOON.

Apparently, if you placed this GOLDEN RICE BOWL set in your wealth position at home, you will...ermmm become obscenely wealthy?!??!?!!?
Gimme that Golden Rice Bowl !!

It's late, and yes i cant believe it im blogging at my desk at work...ok i will leave now..its Friday ..time to head out for some relaxing drinks and good old fashioned attention and sayangs from the handsome and young male species

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