Thursday, April 10

Our Little Princess

Welcome back Enjay!

Wednesday evening was the LPG council's first gathering for 2008 and also the first time we got to meet our little princess . Enjay was back from the US with a precious little bundle - Baby Sarah

Enjay and Sarah

Presentin H.R.H - Sarah Giezendanner

Our adorable Sarah "Michelin" Giezendanner
"Vuitton? For me? "
"Real or not? Better let me check!"

Po n Sarah - " Yeah huggies!"
David n Sarah - " Yeah this man's MINE!"

Yummy n Sarah - " LOVES yum yums! "

Guppy and Sarah - " Got Fish?"

Let the feasting begin!
Makan time is always fun time with friends and baby!

Unfortunately council sista WT had a major event on this week and couldnt make it :( ... the council gathering was incomplete...

It was so great to catch up with everyone again , We have certainly gotten a lil older , much has changed in our lives individually, but yet much has also remained the same. Yep. it was especially great to see Enjay and meet our little princess for the first time.

Cant wait till lil "Michelin" grows up!

Hope we can gather again before Enjay leaves for the US yet again..

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