Monday, May 19

Guppy loves Buddha ...

and Buddha Loves Guppy too!

It's Vesak Day today

And for those not in the know, On Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. -- a.k.a Buddha's Birthday :D

Mind you this guppy is not really one of the devout and religious type, I've always subscribed to the power of kindness and love, championed the belief of Karma but never really really put the buddhism label to it... but ever since way back in early 07 when I made a trip to the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok , made a sincere prayer to the "Four Face Buddha" there. many things have changed for the better in my much so that its hard not to believe that such a love exists. :D

Anyway I digress....back to today's Vesak Day Adventures!

Went to pick up mom and dad from the harborfront cruise centre in the morning , they just got back today from attending Grandma's party on Batam island which from what i heard was an over 50 headcount mega affair !

Afterwhich we went to the " Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple " otherwise known as the Temple of a thousand lights . The weather was hot, the crowds were insane..but everything was orderly and the crowds weaved through the temple smoothly.

Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple - just an ordinary looking temple along racecourse road near little india in Singapore

We moved to the foot of the giant 15 metre high stature of a seated Buddha and recieved blessings of holy water from 2 buddhist monks , dad made some monetary donations to the temple and we were "annointed" by gold flakes being plastered onto our foreheads and palms .

I love the smell of incense...and the buddhist monks chanting of the scriptures... very very soothing..despite the crowds, everything had a peaceful aura to it.

Ofcourse , this visit would not be complete ( or fun!?) without some divination on the Wheel of Fortune!
Guppy spun divination/ prediction lot No. 4 - Which reads (including the some really bad grammar and english ) :

" The Wheel of Fortune says honesty leads to succeed. Your star is in the ascendant and prosperity is predicted. Your Business , your love affair will succeed. Only wait with patience. Your fate is comparable to the time Lord Buddha was reincarnated as Pra Mahososth, who was surrounded by wealth and fame, Vietheha , the King, favoured him, but he had trouble because of his enemy in the disguise of a friend. So be careful of the same in your case. "

cryptic aye? heheheh but all in all the above spells a rather positive lucky divination and Im quite pleased with myself :D

golf flecks in my palm from touching the buddha statue...

Everyone else managed to draw auspcious predictions too... eheh after completing our prayers. the whole family went off to grab some delicious vegetarian lunch..yum yum

Ok true believers ..Im sleepy and feeling good...thats all for today's adventures..will share more next time :D