It was a cloudy rainy Thursday evening...i harboured hopes it would rain cats and dogs...but alas. By the time we got off work..the rains stopped and there was no weaseling out of our walkies pact.
Oh least it was a new route....
Tracie and Moo were pumped and excited! Here we go here we go here we go...
Tracie in shock - this guppy did not weasel out of the run-walk-talkcock-singsong walkies session. Meanwhile...i was still plotting how to make my quick getaway ... too bad all ideas failed as i slowly realised..the further we walked..the more lost i was.. :P
Got no choice...i had to stick with the crazy walkers...orelse i wont be able to find my way home..
Sleepy Guppy : " are we there yet? wah so prettyy....where are we? "
Turns out our route would take us past Tanjong Rhu ( no wonder the condominiums here cost a bomb..such a nice giant "river" longkang...quite peaceful and tranquil in this neck of the woods )
All the way to Stadium Waterfront...
Tracie spots a doggy lying on a patch of grasss...she tries to go over and make friends...but the dog did not bother to get up...zzzzzzz -- yeap at least some doggy out there's got the right idea...its such a beautiful evening. everybody should be napping...
Yeah...we've done our... workout...we're HOT! HOT! HOT!
The walk-a-jog took us to a shopping mall.. where we rationalised that we needed to eat some yoghurt ....before our erm well deserved dinner hahaha!!
On the last leg of our walk-a-jog, We swung by a nearby hawker centre to buy some dishes to go with the yam rice auntie Irene cooked for dinner....
Owkay! So what was for dinner?!Home cooked Yam rice , mincemeat bittergourd, fried fish,
store bought porkchops,
gnhor hiang (5 spice tofu sausage)
Coffee Pork
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