Tuesday, March 11


I sit here in my living room typing this as i indulge in a little audio massage -- "Whrrrrrrrrrr" is now a gentle comforting background sound that is a permanent feature of my home. Strangely soothing, strangely addictive.

The pumps have been running since Monday.... - I CANT WAIT FOR THE FISHIES AND THE ROCKS TO BE IN - I took pics of the set up process , but will post them all up at one shot when the tank is finally complete. Lets set ourselves a little target here and get this tank fully set up by the end of March!? come on !

Its really very amusing, my quest to get my very own marine fish tank is almost complete! The tank is up, pipings set up, salt, chemicals, bacteria everything added into the water the pumps are running and the water has been cycling in that tank since Monday.

I am contemplative today...lotsa thoughts in my head.

Is it really possible for the virtual to become the real?

Is there such a thing as too real ? Does familiarity breed contempt? Virtual = be whoever whatever u want to be , Real = who you really are? Can stuff, comments, words, expectations, imaginations, fun! from the virtual world thrive when placed in the spotlights of reality? or will it enjoy a silent quiet but expected death? Will more revelations about me kill the fun me in your eyes or will more revelations of you kill the fun you in my eyes?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ?

History has also shown that everything is a big exchange. from information to knowledge to lotsa other stuff. in every relationship / friendship/ interaction there is a give...and a take. You tell me a secret, I'll tell you one of mine too. The more information and secrets I have in my pocket, the more power I have in the relationship and vice versa. Have we upset the delicate balance of power over the past few weeks? *heaves a sigh of resigned fear*

Gluttony! thy name is Guppy!!!!

Its proven , I can resist anything but temptation *blyeah* Project balloon was a success . Yes if you still dont know what it is go google Bariatric Balloon Surgery. After days of agonising puking existance, I've dropped from 105 at the start of the surgery to 101 kilo today although much of it im attributing to severe dehydration. Unfortunately for me, this is a lifelong battle that I have to walk alone and continue to do so.. on my own. Gambate Guppy !

My beloved ocean i miss you!

Its the open season for Scuba Diving in Malaysia waters, Dot, Sunshine and Me are going to do our season opening dives at the Spartan Pulau Aur this saturday..will the balloon have settled down before that? Its been so long since the three of us scuba dived together.. Will we still have the same chemistry as we did so many years ago in Tioman? I miss your wacky company babes, fingers crossed for a safe sunny beautiful weekend in Pulau Aur ...*fingers crossed for whalesharks sightings*

I hate long-haul flights

I recieved instructions to head out to our UK office for a two day meeting. I dont know what is worse, the fact that it will be a long haul flight or the fact that it rides smack in the middle of our busiest period at work . Anyways stay tuned for "Guppies Gone Wild in London" a special episode of this blog installment this June! Will this guppy survive the Jetlag with enough energy to teach the Londoners a thing or two about "RESPECT MY PIECE OF THE PIE" or will the Londoners teach her a thing or two about humility and arrest my ever swelling ego? HAHAHAHAHA stay tuned!

Phew! Im sleepy. And no you dont have to understand my ramblings. Sometimes I dont understand my own ramblings either when I come back and read it later HAHAHAHHAH
till my next blog my happie gupsters where i hope to show you my newly completed beautiful marine tank !

And before i forget, thank u guys for generously indulging my marine tank madness, whether u sponsored me stuff , your knowledge or your time BIG BIG GUPPY HUGS AND KISSES!

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