Tuesday, July 1

Dejavu Dujour!

I experienced a blast from the past today

... and he came riding in on a spanking cool red mitsubishi *giggles*

It was almost the end of the mad work day ( eh what else is new? :P ) I was on my way back to my work place to pick up my car and go home ...as i made my way across the road , at the corner of my eye , I noticed a well dressed guy waving and calling out my full name from across the road.

ofcourse it didnt register at first.. i thought i was hallucinating ..eh how often does a man stop his car right after a set of traffic lights, get out of his ride and excitedly call out my full name from across the road? HAHAHAHAHAH

then as he walked across the road to meet me -- I still didnt recognise him.

then as he got closer i thought - "eeks so well dressed fashion baru bright tie and all with spanking red car ...eeeks .. wat the hell ..is it a gay guy? " ( yes yes my dears, i know im not being fair, if they dont dress well i dont look at them..if they dress well i think they are gay....yes im hard to please :P hahahaha)

i was about to run for cover when he uttered "Eh its me la DT ! Bro! you forgot who i am? " I took a closer look ...then IT CLICKED! OH MY GAWD ...its my ol bro DT! from waaaaaaaaaaaay back circa 1992 cant even remember ...the era when i had my first job working for a family owned diamond jewelry manufacturing and wholesale company.

Technically. DT can be considered my ahem.."first" real experience selling B2B my "sifu" of sorts. we were like a team peddling our precious wares from store to store. taught me the basics of the diamonds how they select, grade, manufacture diamond and precious stones jewelry, counter sketching etc.. It was an exciting time.

The big boss was a good guy and gave me many opportunities ..

Has it really been over 16 years?
Damn! Im old...
Damn ! DT youre old !
Damn! DT we are BOTH old! wow!

what a blast from the past. hahahahah Im glad u stopped to say "hi" Im pleasantly surprised you still remember me. ....haha and even more bewildered you still recognise me after so many years (after so many added kilos on me) hahahaha!

We didnt have time to do a complete catch up , A pity we both had to run off.. I shall wait gleefully for my freebie dinner treat!

Interesting day indeed!

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