Thursday, November 5

La Oliviet

It had been quite eventful this past 2 weeks.

I found myself watching a new relationship undergoing its first test . Heck it wasnt even a real trial by fire. For observers like myself, who cared very much for both love birds, It was at once frustrating and worrying to see that it takes very little for one to utter the words "break-up" and for the other to simply accept it without a fight. It was also eye opening to see a new side to people i thought i knew very very well. Perhaps Im being too critical..i am afterall not caught in the midst of all their personal emotional turmoil....perhaps its just me...i don't know these people that well after all.

and then i realised...both are very young and inexperienced in the game of love. And so i did my best to comfort , educate, counsel and cheer both to fight for what they want. (also known as busybody guppy) It was very awkward for me because i really prefered mocking and making fun at silly situations vs talking sweetly and gently to a twosome that so obviously are making the biggest mistakes of their lives.

And just as I was about to give up on both, in as swift a speed as they fell out, they jumped back into lurve again.. Sheeeesh. i swear, the next time this happens, i will simply sit back and watch the show. --- Ah young love!

and so now that they are back together the shortest span of like..a week??? ....why do i feel this "fear" and "uncertainty" of what lies ahead? sigh i guess nothing can be a sure thing these days... lifes a gamble...and the biggest bet is love.

At least there is love somewhere in that young relationship.

The past 2 weeks also saw me put a quick and cold end to an old dying friendship.. I had hoped, that with time and effort on both sides, we could get the love back, get the friendship going again..but too got its last breath crushed from out of its heavily battered body.

It had everything to do with taking my friendship and good graces for granted. A user, abuser of friendship, will always end up the ultimate loser. When the heart is dead. no amount of charges by the defribulator will be able to revive it. Perhaps love was never there at was merely a commercial business transaction. lose-lose all the way.

Oh well, at least out of the 2 weeks of dramatic affiars of the heart, I had a happy Abi to keep me company and offer some wise Abi-isms ...yesh we both need to reward ourselves for all the hard work we put in to encouraging young love to fight on :P hahah even if both dont realise it ...we dont really give a damn! hahahaa

And our rewards? a bonus delcious dinner ! : Delicious French fare at La Oliviet and lotsa cam whoring , Each time i see Abi , its this decadent dining experience...hahaha I mean surely its sinful to eat like this all the time? it ?

Check out the bling bling and gorgeous nail art We started off with this gorgeous plate of peach seared Foie Gras...oh yes super duper force fed geese liver...dun care..I like!

Followed by this decadent main course of Chicken Cordon Bleu...with mushroom cheese sauce..and potato gratin! Bliss!!!!Striploin steak and veggies for abi followed by this flambed dessert cake with icecream!

Cheap , affordarble french fare...

Thank you Abi!

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