Thursday, November 19

Scared Freakin Shitless and Loving It!

I love watching movies.

I love the whole act of going to the theatre, the smell of warm popcorn , settling into my carefully chosen seat , watching the previews of upcoming flicks ..dvds, tvs, internet live feeds, they all dont cut it, It has to be shown on the big screen, in a good old fashioned cinema , cut off from the outside world...and Why do i love movies at the theatres? just like many of you my happie gupsters....Its the sweetest form of escape!

Whatever the genre, whatever the theme ..I just simply love going to the movies, and spending an hour or three literally transporting myself out of my seat into an all new, and totally different culture, world, experience, emotions, excitement and adventure ... i mean lets face it, we only live one life, right? how many worlds, adventures, experience and emotions can we possibly go through in our lifetime ?

But with movies...I can be a conscript soldier, smack in the middle of World War I in Poland, I can feel the dread and fear of incarcerated Jews in a Nazi concentration camp, I can be a fly on the wall, deep within the forbidden city in China, I can feel the love, passion and excitement of a crush, and kismet love on some romantic chick flick, I can be in antartica...watching the march of the Emperor Penguins, I can be underwater in the ocean...looking for Nemo together with Merlin!? you know what i mean right? I could live many new adventures, exciting lives. through a movie.

I can watch a movie (actually multiple movies on a lazy non work bumming day) by myself ...but you know what is more exciting and special to this little guppy? It is watching a movie with a friend). Someone who sits next to you , shares your popcorn and drinks and this same adventure with you. whether we come out of the movie with the same impression, learnings or emotions, or we come out feeling differently about what we saw. I am always glad, someone i cared about is sitting next to me, and embarking on this new adventure with me through the magic of cinema :D

Yes indeedy..I love watching movies.
all sorts of movies. happy ones, sad ones, silly ones, romantic ones, self proclaimed epics, brainless shoot em dead flicks, adventure flicks. BUT you know what? i will always have that special place for the simple, humble Horror flick. not the gory ones, those are ok. but the Best, scariest flicks are often always the simplest ones, that fill you with suspense, a deep seated sense of dread that sends goosebumps of creep up your spine. Chillingly scary. deadly good.

Tonight i caught a good old fashioned truly scary movie with a friend.--- Paranormal Activity. It was spine chillingly good! I am still awake and excited with goosebumps on my skin.

I am Scared Freakin Shitless and Loving It! --->oh btw if you thought I would be blogging details about the scary movie Paranormal Activity..haha you are dead wrong. no spoilers here..Just go catch it lah! aiyoh! hahahahah

I LOVE THE MOVIES...Lets go catch a show , go on a new adventure together soon! :D

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