Tuesday, February 16

Day 2 of the Year of the Tiger

It was a busy day of hanging out with friends and visiting their homes during this festive period.

First, Jas brought the kids over to my place , and i managed to show the boys my new fishtank and let them play a little with kitties :D

Roy posing with "Fishville" fish tank .The boys wanted to feed the fishies...just like we always did on the facebook app, "Fishville" so i showed them how to feed dried pellets to my fishie babies!Aidan ( my big black kitty) as usual was being his chicken shit scardey cat self , ran and hid the moment Jas and the kids came over, it took alot of coaxing to get him to come out to play.... but Toffee (my other striped kitty) was more sociable...she was so excited to see the boys She even jumped into Reyna's pram, hoping to follow jas and the kids home..,

After playing with the fish and the cats, Jas and the kids bundled into my car and we took a short drive to LayChing's place...

Layching'S family was hosting a lunar new year gathering cum birthday celebration for her aunt and mom . MooMoo , Winston, came over as well.. there was just so many people crowded in Layching's auntie's flat . amazing! There was so much food , ice cream cake and traditional Lo Hei... Reyna was so cute dressed in her little red dress...with her chubby cheeks...everybody wanted to take a picture with her, hug her, carry her hold her...tooo adorable. LayChing, posing with Reyna Happie guppy posing with Reyna...yes i think i can keep this one... can pass off as mine,,, look at our similar cute chubby cheeks

We hung out at Layching's until 5ish in the evening before heading home for a short rest...

Later in the evening around 7ish, Porkchop and I headed over to moomoo's place for dinner! Auntie Irene cooked up a nice dinner, and we were joined by Tracie , Anthon. Janice was also home for the lunar new year. so there was quite a crowd at the dining table tonight :) Anthon ceremoniously reciting the auspicious verses as he threw in the ingredients for our Lo Hei raw fish Salad!
"Huat ah!" Guppies love tossing Yu Sheng!
Out sumptuous dinner spread! curry chicken again ! ( heheh like mommy, auntie irene cooked it less spicy ekekkekeke )

After dinner, Gambling addict Moo declared that we should indulge in a game of blackjack...then produced this stack of GIANT poker cards... ( a relic from our perth uni days )

Anthon - our self proclaimed god of gamblers posing with the insane giant deck of cards...
Blackjack game in progress!!! check out Goddess of Gambling Guppy's excellent hand...muahahah!!!
Yes indeedy we all snacked on pinepple tarts, cornflake cookies, bak kwa...fish crsipies.. peanuts...and drinks as we gambled through the night ...
Did this Goddess of guppy win big tonight?
Well not quite...the real winner was.... Tracie! who took home a loot of over 70 bucks of our hard earned moolah! muahahahahahahha

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