Saturday, February 27

A fragrance I Can't Describe

Finally got my fins on a bottle of Guizhou Moutai Liquor!

Boy was i one excited little guppy :D .

You see, I love my booze. but Im more of a fan of wine than the hard stuff. But theres been so much hooha... that Maotai is like the "national treasure " of China. The drink that was made famous when Nixon made a trip to China in 1972 and Zhou Enlai served it to his surprised but delighted guests. THE drink that is served up at state banquets in China.

Other articles also say that in 1974, Henry Kissinger once told Deng Xiaoping, "I think if we drink enough Maotai we can solve anything "

When doing business in Beijing, someone once told me - want to do business with Chinese bosses? Drinking one bottle of Maotai = closing one US 1 million dollar deal. hmmm dunno how true...

Wahahahah so much hype yes? for a distilled liquore made from Sorghum wheat and some "so-called " excellent natural spring waters high in the mountains of Guizhou..


Ok...out comes the bottle...from the packaging..yeap that famous red tab, red ribbons...kitty thinks Im she is not watching my madness...

seal of authenticity ...

53% alcohol?!??!?!?!? *gulp* i can feel my lips tremble in anticipation hahhhaha

Ooooo bottled in 2008 ...

I undid the ribbons, the plastic seals, unscrewed the cap...and took a whiff.
OMG!!! at first..i thought..TURPENTINE ahahhahahah but i took in another sniff...oooh got aroma ! heh not unlike Macallum...but lighter! dunno how to describe..macallum smells...sweeter?! but stronger...Maotai smells less sweet but more delicate.
I filled out a shotglass and took my first sip. room temperature. neat.
Ohhhh how it burns!!!!!! but so smoothly it burns hahahahah! yes small sips...
The taste ? my happie gupsters its so hard to describe.... this may sound odd but its like unsweetend dark valhorna chocolate "spice"-like? ...and when the drink goes down ... the sooo nice... Refreshing..hahahah but i cant help but think my insides have just been cleaned by a strong antiseptic HAHAHAH
I am undecided if i like it...but now after many sips, the shotglass is empty. its been a few mins... the fragrance, the aftertaste is still in my mouth. on my tongue. resting.
I miss the taste . I think, i will take another teensy tiny taste...


Anonymous said...

are you planning to keep the bottle after you finish it? If you're not, can I have it for shits and giggles?


One Happie Little Guppy said...

Hamster Hoarder!