Thursday, February 14

Guppies prefer lilllies

Happy Valentine's Day Happie Gupsters!

Every year come Valentines day, entire colonies of female office dwelling rat racers hold their breaths and await the delivery of bouquets of flowers from their husbands, paramours, lovers, boyfriends, friends (anyone) Yeap you've guessed it - its the annual "Who's got the biggest, coolest, most exquisite -a.k.a most expensive, bunch of blooms" one upmanship contest disguised as - Valentines Day...WOE BETIDE any woman who recieves jewelry delivered to the office in a little baby blue Tiffany's package - she will be THE ultimate most hated woman for the day.

Unfortunately despite heavy lobbying and direct marketing activities declaring my preference for White elegant oriental lillies- this guppy didnt recieve get any flowers sent to her office - boooooooooo. Damn you cheapo na nas!

Yeah yeah call it sour grapes. ... I am one SOUR guppy .. see here pic below.. well this bunch of lovely tulips aren't for me . *sobs* they belong to my colleague , hell almost every girl in my office recieved bouquets of flowers today, everyone except this little guppy (woe!) the office became a veritable nursery of blooms before the lunch bell rang!

Oh well if you can't beat em...Guppies prefer lilllies!

In other happier less jealousy infused bitchy news - Its our company's Lunar New Year Lunch celebrations. Held at the Amara Hotel , we did the traditional Lo Hei stuff and My boss gave me a big ang pow! woohooo!!!

Seeing as my valentines day was virtual a non-event I was pretty much resigned to going home and curling up in front of the teevee with a nice big bowl of instant noodles for dinner when I got a dinner invitation! woohoo!

It's not exactly a valentines dinner posh nosh date kind of scenario ..hah it wasnt even a date . More like a - you got dinner? let's go eat dinner ( I ain't complaining ha ha because that means there's someone else out there that hasn't got a valentine's dinner date so nyeah)

Tada - presenting this year's valentine's day dinner for guppy - hot plate tofu, hot plate venison and stirfried kangkong at some ulu coffeeshop

Alas even this dinner buddy's got a hot date later in the evening (the sweet dessert bit) and abandonded his cute little guppy..sigh! so after dinner i vamoosed home to bask in the warmth and glow of my beloved teevee lights :P pfffffft!

I thought that was the end of my evening adventures. ...Till HE came by with cakes from coffee bean...*giggles* awww Toblerone cake was to die for!

So Rich. So Sweet. So Totally Irresistable.

To my dinner kaki , I wish you love *muah muah*

and to my bearer of sweet cakes. ..where are my darn white lillies? *pouts*

My happie gupsters, I wish u lotsa love how did you spend your valentines day today?


Fluffy pearl is said...

A complete dumb ass. Nothing was done but merely ask, what u wanna eat for DINNER.dammm....

One Happie Little Guppy said...

awww baby...u can always call me :D we can veg out in front of teevee together hahahahaha