Saturday, February 16

Lazy weekend...

It's the weekend.

By 9am I was sitting at a little coffeeshop enjoying a delicious wanton noodle breakfast. It was breezy, the noodles were good, my iced tea was refreshing and so was my breakfast company.

I had spotted a really great deal on Yahoo Auctions a few days ago - there was an opportunity to procure a nice 4ft x 2 ft x 2.5ft Tank plus cabinet at a steal! The owner of this tank has decided to give up marine aquarium fishies as a hobby , his loss could be my gain! *trembles with excitement* But I wasn't too experienced about aquarium tanks and I was too chicken to go call on some stranger's home all by myself -so I asked Bouy to come check things out with me. After our wanton brekkie, we zipped off for a quick product inspection and I am pleased to report : The Item for sale is GOOD, i've contracted some professional movers and i am now one more step closer to owning my dream marine aquarium . Stay tuned happie gupsters!

As with all weekends when its off diving season - this little guppy finds herself bored and unsure what to do with herself. I can't sit still at home..I would start thinking about work. the more i think about work , the more worried I get and before I knew it I will find myself in the office! Determined not to waste away a nice weekend of indolence, I decided to stalk Bijoux after her Japanese class in town and we both headed off to Warakau for some Italian + Japanese fusion pasta lunchAfter our satisfying meal we decided retail therapy was in order .

Trapesing through malls is so much fun when you have company ..heeee! We eventually ended up at the Build-A- Bear Workshop at Suntec City Mall .

A Hiro is Born!
First - select your desired bear/bunny/duck/sheep/frog toy for stuffing . I picked the cute floppy eared bunny!
Inject suitable high quality fibre and cotton stuffing into bunny

pick out a heart, cup it in your hands and whisper a wish into it, then rub it against your heart

place little red heart into your newly stuffed friend and Voila! he's alive through your love!

Now to decide WHO your bunny should be

Are you my warly clad Eskimo Bunny out fishing for his dinner?

Hmmm ....

Maybe you are my leather jacket bad boy biker bunny - ala James Dean - Rebel Without A Cause?

Ah!!! Yes! this is you - you are my Japanese Samurai Bunny - missing a samurai sword

"Don't worry mommy, I'll type myself my very own Birth Certificate!"

" Hey whats my name mommy?"

You're my Hiro baby....

Im gonna bring you home, love you , hug you. squeeze you to bits!

I tell you happie gupsters.. I felt like a child all over again. its not the cheapest toy in town but if you are planning on getting a teddy bear for that special little princess in your life ,why not bring her to the Build-A-Bear Workshop? Its really lots of fun!


Anonymous said...

Hiro is love and I am his godmaaaaaa. XD


Anonymous said...

Finally the Warakau food ya......