Saturday, February 2

Little acts can make a BIG difference

Someone offered to take me marine aquarium perving this morning. I was actually looking quite forward to it and spent the morning waiting for the call that never came :P sigh. oh well.... Maybe I should not take passing conversations too seriously. It is after all a precious weekend , where sane people would rather spend that exta minute catching more shut eye in bed or more precious time with immediate family and friends that really count.

Ah but fret not! this lucky guppy has plenty of other entertainment options.

We went for a movie - Heheh it was some typical chick flick formula movie- 27 Dresses ( Yes 27 Dresses was chosen over Rambo because Pouting Guppies were not to be trifled with) heh heh heh and Gawd! who wants to see an aged Stallone rumbling through another installment of Rambo? Whatever happened to elegant exits and going out with a bang?

After the ho hum chick flick , it was lunch at the KOPITIAM ( yes I do foodcourts too come on people! :P even if I do it grudgingly I still go so nyeah)

But this time round I was super delighted! I discovered this SUPER CUTE dessert masterpiece!

Yep indeed Little acts can make a BIG difference, It was just simple cheap non- branded ice-cream with little extra touches...I was so bowled over! I started to take pics as the hawker assembled my special dessert with artful hands * trembles with excitement*:

the key is in the assembly..

Just You plus me - Makes me O so happie

masterpieces from the heart take time to create!

now for the final touches....

TADA!! Adorable yes???

Just add a dessert companion and voila ....

It never ceases to amaze me how simple things in life can be made amazing with just that extra thought .A little thought , and a little bit of effort is sometimes all it takes to put a smile on someone's face.

So happie gupsters, did you remember to do little things for the people around you to show you care today? Or did someone do something special for you today too?

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