I can feel it, the team is stretched. Everyone's patience is wearing thin, and Its like im spinning around on thin ice each and every day. With internal customers as well as external customers to please. Its september. and we are coming to the end of another financial year at work. I wonder if there will be more casualties before the year is out.
I just got back from 10 days of bumming in Perth . I should be rested, revitalised and refreshed . Yet i am not. I am antsy, I am stressed , I am feeling helpless..that Im losing control and I jump at every little piece of information that gets to me.
Dead Fish Swimming
- Powerless to help - powerless to affect any relief or change...
- First the changes in the workplace.
- Then news that a friend's newborn is sick and hospitalised, then discharged.
- Then news of a girlfriend's moms terrible illness and her struggle to support her mom through this tough time.
- People whom i have not been in contact with for the most of my adult life..are now unwittingly back in my life. and guess what? I actually find myself liking them very much!
- I fell off the bandwagon. COLD TURKEY - does not work for fatal addictions. Im dead fish swimming.....
I can feel it in my bones .. ...I am feeling the need... to do something immensely INSANE AND OUT OF MY MIND muahahahhaha , something to shock myself back alive again!
Just as he promised A picture a day from the Ivory Coast - Cote D'Ivoire. West Africa.. shithole and hotzone , so i can see and experience what he sees , in a land i am unlikely ever to set foot on my entire life .
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