Friday, January 25

Adventures in Taipei (Day 3) - Smelly Tofu

I just got back from gallivanting out in the streets of Taipei. sleepy. so I will keep this a short one ( yes I hear your unified cheers of joy! :P)

It was a bumpy ride at work today. With the usual human potHOLEs, roadHOGs, and dangerous Hazards. The cold and dreary weather also wore down my level of patience as I laboured to manouvre myself to keep to the road and make my way towards my desired destination.

Heh deep huh?

Work was trying lah. duh. neeways by the time we reached any concensus/ conclusion it was already 7-ish and pitch black outside.

After bitching to my boss in HongKong via sms about my "ExcitingDay" I decided to sieze the night and make my way to the famed "Shih Lin" Night markets.

I boarded a cab ( coz i had no energy to attempt another MRT excursion ...) but ended up having to make a detour half way through the journey as we hit a really bad traffic jam, I gave up on "Shih Lin" and found myself at another night market called "Raohe Street Night Market" instead.

By the time i got out of the cab, I was already starving! which is great coz this market was so colourful, noisy , full of life, and most importantly full of yummy delicious FOOD!

Happie part of this adventure : Lots of interesting new foods Ive never tasted before
not so Happie part of this adventure : Smelly Tofu...the smell! its HORRIBLE! can you imagine whatever u buy from this market , clothes bags shoes will reek of smelly TOFU? eeewww..I now smell like smelly tofu as I type away here on my lappy Im still debating whether I want to take a shower before i sleep but its oh too cold..sigh sigh

Ok, I'll let the pictures do the talking :D

shopping was cool too but as usual I didnt buy anything - NOT ONE THING

Got shops that sell little fishies you can catch and bring home!
This dessert is called "Bao Xin" the little Gem balls are warm, glutenous gel like dough encasing sweet mashed bean. the Big bowl is some white fungus cold warm ball, one mouth full of sweet fungus soup
Grilled Taiwanese sausage ! - I ordered the one with honey . which literally meant they sliced open my sausage and drizzled honey into it! Yum!
Raohe Street is just one long street of food and shops selling clothes and accessories. when i came out the other end , I was surprised to find a huge grand temple! Ofcouse guppy went into the temple for a look see and a quick prayer.

Hanging off the beams of the inner rooms of the temple were these handmade paper lanterns!

Guppy Lantern! Pikachu!

The shopping Continues...Hello Kitty motorcycle helmets? hahahahahah You want one?

Chocolate fondue! mmmm they were selling sticks of fruit like strawberries and banana to dip into it..I love chocolate and fruits..mmmm

Fried Fish Sticks....

More Shopping again..

OK the sweet charcoal grilled potatoes were super yum!

These are onion pancakes - which look and taste suspiciously like PRATA!

I was just walking around, in the slight drizzle, eating, sampling differnet foods and drinks, watching people buy clothes and stuff. Hung around this street until around 11pm before I hopped into a cab back to my hotel.

Honestly, if it aint for work , I probably would not come to Taipei again. maybe Im just not a street market shopping guppy. Im shy to try on clothes and Im too lazy to bargain. I know Bijoux enjoyed herself in taipei, Taiwan as a city is just too much like Singapore. Im not too sure If I'd spend my own money to come back again just for a leisure holiday.

What do you think Happie Gupsters?

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