Sunday, January 20

Gacha ...Gacha... Pon!

Hands up those of you who have no idea what a "Gachapon" is!

Well as of yesterday I'm absolutely hooked! :P It's monsoon season ( scuba in malaysia is a no no) and the guppy has had nowhere to expend her boundless energies and wild imaginations for the past few months. I just dont know what to do with myself these days.

My otahku like siblings were already in the "know" contributing much of their hard earned cash to the holy cause of the cult of Gachapon since forever, but i never really had the urge to explore this scary realm. Not until recently...

I spied a few pre-pubescent teens giggling over their prized Gachapons as I was waiting for Bijoux to be done with her Dentist yesterday afternoon and curiousity got the better of me. I dug deep into my wallet and fished out two precious one dollar coins and slotted them into the machine..

turned it once - "Gacha"....
turned it again - "Gacha"...
and "PON" ...the precious precious ball fell out!

Ooooo! it was a cute little kitty with a fish in its mouth! damn i wanted the kitty with the goldfish led screen..

I went to the nearby store and changed my 10 dollar note into coins. the rest is history!

Still dunno what Im talking about? Hahaha nevermind I took pics :D

I love Gachapon!


I watched the movie : Sharkwater today. it was really really cool and made me miss scuba diving all over again. damn! everybody should go see this movie if not for the marine conservation message then for the cool underwater shark scenes. the dude that shot this movie was pretty hunky too! damn cool, don't miss it!

rating : 5 Happie Guppies!

Aaaargh! Why am I feeling so restless? My mind is full of plans , imaginations, actionable items, things I need to do. but i dont feel like doing them....sigh

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