Thursday, January 31

Most brilliant career move of the year

Somewhere deep in the man made forests of the Singapore Night Safari ....

A "United Nations" delegation of business unit heads were engaged in aggressive wining, dining speed networking and major bonding amid the sights and smells of our nocturnally active friends of the animal kingdom.

Amid this flurry of activity, one Distinguished looking white guy with white hair (DLWGWWH) spots one happie little guppy (guppy) ... happily guzzling her share of yummy wine , while balancing half a dozen satay sticks , a wine glass and the dozens of business cards she has accumulated just 5 minutes into this food fest.

DLWGWWH moves in, corners the guppy and her unsuspecting fellow newbie colleague and sticks out his hand at the guppy with a friendly smile.

DLWGWWH (with french accent)
: "Hello, how's the food? I'm xxxxxxx. "

(Guppy Shakes hands with DLWGWWH, satay sticks still in her mouth )

Guppy : "Yep its delicious! I'm guppy! great to meet you"

DLWGWWH : " Great! So what do you do at X-Corp Guppy?"

Guppy : "Oh i run our blah blah blah programs in APAC . "

DLWGWWH : " Ah so you're the one!"

Guppy : " So what do YOU do at X-Corp?"

DLWGWWH : " Erm..ahem..I'm the BOSS"

Guppy : "...."

And this concludes my most brilliant career move for the year. I have just met our big boss from the USA the master of the universe...sigh. what a way to make an impression :P

c'est la vie


Anonymous said...

My sister teh brillant. *claps*


Fluffy pearl is said...

well done! for sure your BOSS will never forget you... :P

One Happie Little Guppy said...

Nah...didnt create an impression la. those guys were all big fishies..this little guppy was invited to swim with the big fishies coz im new...sigh..