Thursday, January 10

Enter the Leo Dragon

Someone asked me what year I was born in, what astrological sign I belonged to today

Here's a compilation from various sources on the internet!

Dragons are: Vibrant, Magnanimous, Charismatic, Principled, Self-sufficient, Discriminating, Compelling, Sentimental, Accomplished, Noble-hearted, Healthy and Shrewd, Enterprising

But Dragons can also be: Dissatisfied, Ruthless, Demanding, Opinionated, Mawkish, Egocentric, Defensive, Power-mad, Foolhardy, Conceited, Willful and Pompous

The Fire Dragon is a powerful force to be reckoned with. This is a Dragon doubled! The Fire Dragon can move from calm and collected to combustible in a matter of seconds. In some ways the Fire Dragon is his or her own worst enemy. These Dragons cannot help feeling they are valuable and all-knowing. When they are right their vehemence and vigor is an asset to the cause, and though they value objectivity, they do not always employ the best decision-making measures, and sometimes jump to the wrong conclusion. They also suffer from recklessness and quick tempers. Yet, when they do keep their temper, emotions, and rivaling spirit under control, they emanate a commanding influence on other people.

The key to the Dragon personality is that Dragons are the free spirits of the Zodiac. Conformation is a Dragon's curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. Dragons must be free and uninhibited.

The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Dragons usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people be aware of their natures. Too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled.

Even though they are willing to aid when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Dragons' generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. A Dragon's self-sufficiency can mean that he or she has no need for close bonds with other people.

I also found this on about cute Leos ...

Leo Characteristics and Profile

Leos are :Generous ,Warmhearted, Creative, Ambitious, Enthusiastic, Broad-minded, Expansive, Affectionate, Playful and Loving

But Leos can also be: Pompous , Melodramatic, Patronizing, Bossy , Interfering, Dogmatic, Intolerant, Vain
The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise you Leos have an air of royalty about you. And proud are you Leo! Perhaps that's why Leo often chooses work that puts you in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation. Leo are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others.

People are attracted to Leo's zest for life and their warm spirit. They have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are rough. Their enthusiasm attracts people, Leos are social butterflies, not because they want to be but because people always naturally gravitate and surround the Leo. Leos are very difficult people to not like, they are usually fairly balanced, realistic people. They never dwell on the past and they will think you are strange if you do.

Business dealings are easy and successful for Leo, if they are in command and control. This can cause conflict in the workplace should the Leo not be in a position of superiority, but they usually get there eventually thanks to their powerful drive to succeed, in other words, they are excellent leaders because this is their kingdom they have to control, and they do it well.

Leos are full of drama, flair and extravagance and this reflects in the business world. They make an impact, they make a difference in the workplace and help to keep the parts moving in sync and iron out any problems before they arise. If the business fails, that means that Leo fails and they are extremely determined not to fail

Leo is the most extravagant spender of all astrology signs. They will not over do it but they will surround themselves with luxury as much as possible. They will never settle for second best.

Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement.

Leo has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. Leos could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders and not give an inch, Leos will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them.

Wahahahaha the stuff you can find off the internet these days....
stay tuned happie gupsters! 2008 year of the RAT Lunar new year astrological forecast for Leo Fire Dragons in February!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


(gimme links leh, sis!)