Monday, January 7

Blizzard Monster Strikes Again!

This week's a really packed one for this guppy. I've an exam on wednesday evening and i totally forgot about it till yesterday. Haven't started studying for it yet :P damn! Procrastination thy name is GUPPY!

I left the office on the dot ,splurged on a $23.00 cabfare* to get my backside home in double quick time so that i can squeeze in as much study time as possible tonight.

And what did i get after all my efforts and splurges to rush myself home? I was greeted by this wonderful snow "Blizzard" scenary as I stepped into my apartment:

The Blizzard Monster that caused it, sprawled all out spread eagled, at one corner of the flat looking at me with big big eyes

"meow? it wasn't me.. meow meow meow?"

I thought i'd give him the benefit of the doubt..decided to take a shower before i start cleaning up, but when i came out of the shower guess what the Blizzard Monster was doin?

Maybe I'll start studying tomorrow i have more important things to do tonight..

Kill the kitty Kill the kitty Kill the kitty Kill the kitty!

*I'm a fan of the 35% cab fare increment that's plagued our little island city these past few weeks. Its been a breeze flagging down taxis! keep up the cab fares i say. Those who cannot afford it have no business taking taxi rides - take the bus or go buy a car for crying out loud and quit bitchin. - The world IS divided into haves and have nots!


γƒ—γƒ«γƒΌγƒˆ said...

eh.. why u say me??

I not a fan of the 35% rise in cabfares though but i still take the cabbies but!! with bitchings of course.

been a breeze flagging cabs meh?? so i guess 2008 isnt my year lor. buay smooth wat!

One Happie Little Guppy said...

u belong to the HAVE category mah! dunno lei really everywhere i go cabs galore. Ive not had to make a single phone booking since they implemented the cab fare increase! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

blardy improve their service at the same time, why don't they!

One Happie Little Guppy said...

ha ha ha...thats why YOU drive yummy!